Saturday nite is BCHS Basketball Homecoming Dance and we will be open from 3:30 till 7:30. We just got our new background in on Monday for the dance and it looks GREAT!! I think it will look so good with all of the different colors of dresses!!! And if anybody is still trying to decide where to go eat, Callihan's is open now at the mall. Bill and I ate there on Monday and it was really good. I can highly recommend the stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer!!! Hopefully the snow storm that they are talking about just passes us by and doesn't cause any problems for Saturday plans!! Bill and I always look so forward to all of the dances because we just love seeing everyone all dressed up and having so much fun. I have posted the packages that we will have for you to choose from and the prices & packages are exactly the same as they have been for several years. Just give us a call if you wanna make an appointment, but as always walk-ins are welcome too. We never turn anyone away!!! Feel free to call the studio at 928-5854 if you have any further questions, we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday nite!!! :)