Words can't describe how happy I am for this couple & their upcoming wedding!!! As many of you who come to our studio for Dances & Proms, Megan is a very familiar face to you. She is such a dear friend to us and we love her to pieces, in fact I don't know what we would do without her! She helps us so much and makes things go so smoothly and is so efficient at everything she does. Even though this was our first time to actually meet Scott in person we just felt like we had known him forever, just like Megan. So I feel like they are a perfect match for each other and he is so very lucky to have someone like Megan. She is not only beautiful on the outside, as everyone can see, but she is equally as beautiful on the inside!!! We've even had people to think that she is our daughter. I had to tease her a little when she told us that she & Scott were engaged....I said to her, "you mean he didn't call and ask Bill's permission". LOL!!!! And after she told me that he did indeed ask her Dad's permission, we both thought "OKAY this must be a pretty good guy". But anyways its so funny that Megan first started out with us as a Co-op student while she was only a senior in high school at Blazer. And Megan I won't say how many years ago that was, so I don't make you feel old!!! Ha-ha-ha!! But over the years she has become such a vital part of our business and we truly appreciate her so much. We were just thrilled to photograph her & Scott together for their engagement session. Their wedding is just around the corner & I know that she will be the most stunning gorgeous bride. Well I better quit rambling so much or else I'll never get these images posted. And what about little "PEANUT", her little black pug?!?!? Isn't he the cutest little thing? And certain times when you talk to him he just tilts his little head as if he's posing for the camera. And Scott I thought you did "GREAT" for your official portrait session...see it's not that hard when all you gotta do is hug up close to Megan. I think he could handle that okay with no problems. LOL!!! Just think of this as a little warm up session for all those wedding pictures you'll be taking. Ha,ha,ha!!! Well I hope that everyone enjoys this little sneak peak of Megan & Scotts engagement session. Enjoy! ;D