Tylyn has such a pretty name and a fun personality & style to go along with it! I just knew that her session would be great, despite the fact that she doesn't like to have her picture taken. I can't really figure out why though....I mean look at how naturally beautiful she is!!!! She has the prettiest perfect bronze skin tone, and that really looks great when its not too overdone. And girls & guys make sure you don't overdo it with being out in the sun tooooo long right before your session. Sunburns and tan lines aren't pretty and don't photograph the best! Okay maybe I'm just getting old, but here I go again thinking back on my first memory of Tylyn. I remember Gatlin her older brother was playing JFL football and she was a little cheerleader for his team. Seems like they were out of town or something on team picture day so Tammy brought them here to the studio later and Bill photographed them together outside by the pond. And seems like she might have ordered a statuette of them??? Those statuettes become more precious as time goes by and are so neat to look back on when they get all grown up!! I loved the one of her in the dress outside with Chip, her little Yorkie dog. He looked so cute and I would never guess him to be 11 years old. Also the close-up pose in the purple dress was gorgeous too!! And even though she really had a hard time with the serious poses, I thought the one in the boots really was KILLER!!!! It is hard to not smile on command, it seems like when someone tells you not to, that is when you start cracking up laughing. Well I better wrap this thing up and so it doesn't end up being a novel like the ones Tylyn brought in with her. HEY, I don't claim to be a writer, I just simply throw my thoughts out there and my fingers do the talking! And sometimes I can't stop them, they just seem to go out of control at times!!! LOL!!!! We so much enjoyed talking with Tylyn and her Mom at the end of the session. Right after we finished the poses outside it came this most awful wicked storm & downpour, so we invited them to hang around & wait till it passed. ( And we all know how much I love storms....NOT!!!) I know that they had much more important things to do, such as Tylyn & Tori were leaving for their trip out west immediately afterwards. But I just wanted to say we enjoyed our little pow-wow session. Well I hope that everyone enjoys Tylyn's little sneak-peek of her session! ;D