Kacey is one of those girls with that "CLEAN COVERGIRL" flawless model kind of complexion. I know most girls would give anything to have beautiful skin like hers!! Also I thought she has some of the cutest expressions as well, she had a way of always looking very innocent or kind of like the all american girl maybe?!?! Well anyways when she first got here she was a little on the nervous side but by the time we took 3 or 4 poses she began to loosen up quite a bit. I'm not really sure if she had ever been here before, so that might have been a contributing factor. But we hope that our personality and the way we go about things during her session put her at ease right away. Also we really appreciate her & her Mom being so understanding while we had to reschedule her first appointment at the last minute, due to Bill being in the hospital. Everyone has been so nice and patient with us, and we thank you guys for being so kind & understanding. Things are taking a little longer than normal right now...but please bear with us as we try to get back on somewhat of a normal schedule. But I'm not really sure if I know what "NORMAL" means anymore, LOL!!!! The typical order of how things take place is 2 wks after the session we post 3 images (a "SNEAK-PEEK" if you will) on the blog & FB to let you know we have your DVD ready. Then all you have to do is call the studio to schedule a DVD veiwing appointment. Due to the fact that there is sooOOOo many poses to choose from, most people find it easier to take the DVD home to look it over and make their selections. Of course we show it to you here at the studio first just to make sure you love them!! LOL!!! After a $395 down payment is made, you may take the DVD home for approx. 1 wk. Once your order is paid in full & processed we then post lots of different images of you on our actual website. If you haven't done that lately you should check out the seniors section on our website @WWW.WHITLOCKPHOTOGRAPHY.COM We try and update it regularly and post new images often. Well I better quit running at the mouth so much and get Kacey's "SNEAK-PEEKS" posted so that she will know that her DVD is ready. I hope that everyone enjoys these! :)