Well I don't know if I'm loosing it or what, but I thought I had already posted Miss Lauren and I hadn't!!! OMGoodness, if I only had a brain like the scarecrow was wishing for in the wizard of Oz, LOL!!! On the day of Lauren's session I remember getting a phone call saying that they were running a bit late due to the fact of when her Mom was ironing one of her outfits their iron quit working. So I immediately tried to rest assure them that everything would be fine...to go ahead and come to the studio & I'd have my iron all plugged in and ready to go when they got here. I know that all kinds of things can go wrong, but there is no need to get all stressed over little things that happen. Lots of people end up forgetting or leaving things at home and we have supplied numerous things to make it all work out (from hairspray, to books, to socks, to jewelry, & other clothing items)!!! We do all sorts of things to try and help out & we've always conducted our business that way, even back in the days when we used to photograph weddings. We did all kinds of stuff not related to photography, just whatever we could to make the Brides day go a little bit smoother. I thought that Lauren had some really nice strong images as you can see. Also we ended up doing her session in 2 parts due to the fact of it getting dark on us so early now. But luckily when she came back to do the outside poses it was a a gorgeous beautiful sunny day....uuuhhh unlike what we are having now! Oh I just hate the freezing cold temperatures outside and the wind chill just literally takes my breath!!! But back to Lauren, I just love the one of her wearing the boots! With her having the dark hair and brown eyes she really looks good in the warm colors & brown tones. Also the pose in her jeans & barefoot was one that really caught my eye too, I just love her smile in the black & white image in the background on that one!!! We really enjoyed getting to meet her Mom and brothers that came along during her session. Her Mom is really very sweet to talk to & her brother was also very helpful to us in the camera room. Plus I think her oldest brother had been here before for Prom or Homecoming Dances. Well I better quit rambling too much or else I won't get this posted tonite, it will already be tomorrow!!! But most of you know that I am a nite owl and thats when most of my creative juices come to life & I do my best work. LOL!!!! I hope that everyone enjoys this little "SNEAK-PEEK" of Lauren and I do sincerely apologize for not posting this sooner.