Meghan came in last week for part one of her senior session. I had thought I would wait and post her images after part 2 of her session but I couldn't wait to share these with everybody!!!! Her smile is just absolutely GORGEOUS and she was a dream to have in front of the camera. I thought the ones in her scrubs with her nursing stuff was so cute & fun. Also her little weiner dog "FRANK" was a hoot and we got some really great images with him!!! He loves to play with a baseball and Bill really had him hyped up chasing after the ball. I kept trying to call him "Fred" and then after I realized what his name actually was it made perfect since to me!! Sort of a clever name for a weiner dog, wouldn't you say?!?! She mentioned to me that most of her outfits were mainly black & white. That was perfectly fine, because she looks great in that color combination with her tan, dark hair & brown eyes. Especially when you throw in the splashes of red with it. We got rained out on the outdoor part of her session and we are looking forward to part 2 with her next week. We have some really "F U N" stuff planned to do and I can't wait to share that with everybody later. But for right now it will be a surprise.....LOL!!!! Meghan called me a long time ago and told me she would be getting her braces off this fall and she wanted to come in for her session right as soon as she got them off. She was anxious & excited to come in for her session and we were too! I should quit rambling so much and wrap this up for now. Well,hopefully you guys will enjoy these and be watching out for part 2 of Meghan......they should be reeEEEEally good! :)
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