This girl has the best facial expressions I've ever seen!!! Torri was able to go from giving us a beautiful smile to one of those serious looks in a split second with no problem at all. Most people really have a hard time doing the ones without smiles but I guess she is used to doing that all the time in cheerleading routines. We really had a good time working with Torri during her session and she is so "GORGEOUS" that it made our job really easy!!! She looked GREAT in the very first outfit which was the little coral dress, and the image that I put in the background with her hair blowing was sooOOOOo good!!! I loved the serious pose in her cheerleading uniform as well as the one in the white off the shoulder top...plus her earrings were so neat in that outfit too (they were feathers with a touch of leopard on them)! It's always fun to get to go shopping for new things to wear for your senior session too. I think Tina, Torri's Mom was getting a little teary eyed during toward the end of her session. I can remember those same feelings when my daughter was a senior just like it was yesterday. I was so emotional her whole senior year and somehow the senior portrait session is something that sort'a makes it start to really sink in and pull at the heartstrings a little. Well I'm gonna try not to ramble so long tonite so that I can get these posted before it gets any later!! I have a real problem with staying up all nite working and then sleeping most of the day....I gotta do better at that!!! But right now I am so behind I really need to in order to get caught up. OH Well, I hope that you guys enjoy Torri's "SNEAK-PEEKS"! :)
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