Okay, now does everybody see what I was talkin about in my previous post?!?! I'll try not to go on & on and ramble so long this time, but how bout that one with the HUMMER??? Is that one not bad to the bone?!?! LOL!!! Well we just ended up doing that one at the last minute, sort'a wasn't even something they had even thought of. I can't remember if it was Bill or myself that mentioned it right before we were leaving. At times, that is where some of the best images comes from!!! Well I think Bridgett was much braver than most people, wading out in the really cold creekwater and it was pretty chilly that day. She really didn't seem to mind it at all, we go to real extremes to get great senior images & what a trooper she was indeed! In the beginning I think I might have said something about making this "short and sweet", but here I go again rambling....but for all of you that know me - what else do you expect coming from ME?!?! Okay I really will wrap it up now but just one more thing before I do. I heard Bill mention just today to someone that he has another idea for a really fun & unique winter session, so when it snows give us a call & we'll see who is brave & up for it!!! Enjoy! :)
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