Winter Wonderland was what Laura woke up to on the day of her Senior Portrait Session, well almost, or at least as close as we've had so far! Even though we had very little snow last Saturday morning it really photographed so pretty with all of the different evergreen trees we have here at the studio! The ones of her in her black & white coat, gloves & hat were amazing!!!! In some of them you can look closely and see snowflakes in the air, since it was actually snowing while we were outside. The only thing was, Laura was wearing some super cute high heel boots with peep-toes, and we didn't want her toes to get tooooo cold! I had never seen any of those before. I think she is a girl like myself.......she loves her shoes & all of them were so fashionable!!! I just wish I could still wear the heels & cute styles but unfortunately comfort has won over. Laura decided to do her session in 2 parts so that she could wear her hair straight & then curled. This gave her a variety of different looks and she looks goregous now matter how her hair is fixed!!! Her younger sister came along as a special request from their grandmother to have an individual head & shoulders portrait as well. After doing that we decided to take one of the 2 of them together and I just had to post it, they were both extremely photogenic & had fantastic smiles!!! I thought it was neat how they were wearing "big sis" & "little sis" necklaces. Laura also brought along some magazine photo ads & some images on her phone of several poses that she liked & asked us to try. This is very helpful when someone takes the time to do that, and the end results are designed or custom created just for you. It isn't absolutely mandatory but we like it when seniors have some idea's of their own. We may not be able duplicate it exactly but we will put our spin on it plus it makes our job more fun & keeps things fresh for us. Plus I think it will make your session just a little bit different than the next senior that comes along. Well we didn't ask Laura to do the famous "WHITLOCK SQUATTY/KNEELY" pose, however we did have her to do the next best thing the "PRETZEL" pose! LOL!!!! I thought that whole series turned out so GREAT, and especially with her being barefoot! Well I better quit rambling so much and post a few more images. Sorry I am a little bit behind right now but we've been extemely buzy over the last several weeks. Also we have be enjoying our little 22 month old grandson who is here visiting before he moves off to Australia in a few weeks. Well I hope that everyone likes this little sneak peak of Laura's session, ENJOY!!! :^)
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