This was something that my kids did for me & Bill today on Christmas that made us happier than anything else possible!!! I just now heard from my daughter & they have made it over half way back to Wilmington N.C. tonite & the baby slept all the way. It is the preferrable way to travel for them these days, when Isaak is sleeping and understandably so. He is so full of energy and doesn't like to be confined to a carseat for long periods of time. I am missing that little guy already and can't hardly wait for him to come back in a few days. We want to share every moment possible with them before they move to Australia again in a couple of weeks. I want to say Thank You to all of my family for making this happen for me & Bill today. It was sort of a group effort to accomplish this.....first off I want to say thank you to my "HUBBY" for being such a great photographer & having all the knowledge to set the camera & lights. Then thank you to both Jason & Natalie, our beautiful children for their loving smiles & helpful caring ways. They were so good at co-ordinating clothes on the spur of the moment. Also I want to say thank you to my son-in-law who was suffering with a migraine headache for being so gracious to allow us to do this while he wasn't feeling so well. Also thank you to Isaak for being just so "STINKIN' CUTE" and doing so good when he was really tired from his nap being cut short today!! Then thank you to my Mom for actually being the one to push the button on the camera & being the photographer for the day. And doesn't she look great?!?! I look like I could be her Mother. LOL!!! And then last of all thank you to my Mother-in-law who was such a good sport for going along with all of this when she had "NO IDEA" that we were even gonna do this. Actually we didn't either. LOL!!!! But that's how our family tends to do things.........we just go with the flow and we're very last minute, spontaneous kind of people. We have tried for nearly the last 5 to 7 years to do our family portrait so I am just thrilled that we could finally make it become reality. That is why this is the best christmas present "EVER"!!! I just want to take this time to wish everyone a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS from our family and hope that your family is equally blessed as ours was this beautiful holiday season.
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