Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kacey 2011 "BCHS SENIOR"

Kacey is one of those girls with that "CLEAN COVERGIRL" flawless model kind of complexion. I know most girls would give anything to have beautiful skin like hers!! Also I thought she has some of the cutest expressions as well, she had a way of always looking very innocent or kind of like the all american girl maybe?!?! Well anyways when she first got here she was a little on the nervous side but by the time we took 3 or 4 poses she began to loosen up quite a bit. I'm not really sure if she had ever been here before, so that might have been a contributing factor. But we hope that our personality and the way we go about things during her session put her at ease right away. Also we really appreciate her & her Mom being so understanding while we had to reschedule her first appointment at the last minute, due to Bill being in the hospital. Everyone has been so nice and patient with us, and we thank you guys for being so kind & understanding. Things are taking a little longer than normal right now...but please bear with us as we try to get back on somewhat of a normal schedule. But I'm not really sure if I know what "NORMAL" means anymore, LOL!!!! The typical order of how things take place is 2 wks after the session we post 3 images (a "SNEAK-PEEK" if you will) on the blog & FB to let you know we have your DVD ready. Then all you have to do is call the studio to schedule a DVD veiwing appointment. Due to the fact that there is sooOOOo many poses to choose from, most people find it easier to take the DVD home to look it over and make their selections. Of course we show it to you here at the studio first just to make sure you love them!! LOL!!! After a $395 down payment is made, you may take the DVD home for approx. 1 wk. Once your order is paid in full & processed we then post lots of different images of you on our actual website. If you haven't done that lately you should check out the seniors section on our website @WWW.WHITLOCKPHOTOGRAPHY.COM We try and update it regularly and post new images often. Well I better quit running at the mouth so much and get Kacey's "SNEAK-PEEKS" posted so that she will know that her DVD is ready. I hope that everyone enjoys these! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Kiersten's "ON-LOCATION" Session

Okay, maybe I can be brief with this if I really try hard and don't ramble to much!! LOL!!! Well this was so much fun for us, we absolutely love going out to different locations and creating new & exciting poses for seniors!!! We love working at our studio, but getting out and trying new things really keeps us on our toes & makes our job loads of fun! It was so funny how Bill ended up riding from the different locations with Brandi, and Kiersten rode in the van with me & she was litterally changing clothes as we were going down the road! FUN,FUN,fun!!!! She had the backseat of her Moms car loaded down with tons of clothes, shoes & jewelry to match any given outfit perfectly. But "HEY", a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes - RIGHT?!?!? I thought the one in the boots & jean dress was amazing, and the one in the jeans & tank top was sooOooo H-O-T!!!! Okay I better wrap this up and get these posted before it gets any later, huh. I tell you what, there are soooOOOoo many more great ones that she & her Momma will have to choose from her DVD....I'm just glad I don't have to pick cause it's gonna be hard. ENJOY the "SNEAK-PEEKS" & oh yea, btw "THANKS "Kiersten for wearing the dress for me, cause I know it really wasn't your favorite!!!

Kiersten 2011 "Studio Session"

I can't remember when I've ever had so much trouble trying to choose a few favorites to post as I have with Kiersten's session!!! SHhhhewee, this one is gonna be tuff!!! She had soooOOOOo many really fabulous images that made it extremely hard for me to narrow it down to just 3 images...that has been my new rule (only "3" for the sneak-peeks). Kiersten also purchased an add-on session to do some "ON LOCATION" shots as well. SOOooo at least I can post 3 more of my favs from that session too, so that makes me feel a little bit better. She brought so many cute outfits with her and she always had awesome shoes & accessories to go with each outfit!!! She is just so daggone stinkin' cute that no matter what she puts on she looks GORGEOUS!!! Well if I don't quit rambling I'm never gonna get these up & I know that Kiersten is waiting to see them. SO I hope that everyone enjoys these as well as the location ones too!!! :)

BCHS Homecoming Dance

We want to thank all the couples that came to WHITLOCK's for BC Homecoming!! I thought everyone looked sooOOo great, but that always holds true with this group. I don't know exactly what it is but we sure have some of the best lookin' young people here in BOYD COUNTY! It is one of our favorite times of year when everyone comes in all dressed up, we just love it!! Well I hope that you guys enjoy this little sneak-peek video, and the packages should be ready for pick-up here at our studio by Friday! ENJOY....:)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rachel 2011 "BCHS SENIOR"

Rachel was such a cutie pie...I just love her smile and personality!!! We had such a good time photographing her during her senior session a couple of weeks ago. Well, maybe it was a little longer than that...we have gotten behind again due to Bill being in the hospital recently. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and support, he is doing much better now & is gearing up for BC Homecoming on Sat. He loves photographing seniors and talking to people, when he is looking thru the lens of his camera thats when he is happiest!! Speaking of talking to people we really enjoyed talking & visiting with Bobbie again, Rachel's Mom. We did Rachel's older sisters senior portraits a couple of years of years ago. It really means a lot to us when people are pleased with what we do and continue to patronize "WHITLOCK PHOTOGRAPHY", we really do value each and everyone of our customers. Rachel & Sarah both brought their little dog Max along to be in some of the poses, he is a dacshound (SP?) or some people refer to them as weiner dogs. This was his last senior session though, so I guess he will offically graduate this year. LOL!!!
I absolutely loved the serious pose of Rachel in her dress! I can't quite put my finger on what it is....if it's the shape of her face, jaw line, bone structure, her flawless complexion or her eyes - anyways it was just so BEAUTIFUL!!!! She also brought an electric guitar and even though she ended up sliding by and not having to play it for us, we still had lots of fun during that part of her session & got some great images!!! Most of you may know Bill's studio policy...he says "if you bring in some kind of a musical instrument you gotta play something for us"! LOL!!! But the ones with the electric guitars don't always bring an amp with them so they have a good excuse to get out of it! But maybe not, I did hear him say the other day something about maybe picking up one to have here in the studio. LOL!!! I hope that everyone enjoys Rachel's sneek-peeks...and remember when you see your images posted on our blog & Facebook that means we have your DVD ready. So just give the studio a call to set up an appointment to come by and pick up your DVD. :-)



Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday for HOMECOMING!!! The packages & prices are the exact same as the last few years. We will be open from 4:00 to 7:00 here at the studio, WALK-IN's are welcome. For all seniors who have ordered their senior portraits from WHITLOCK's you will get an extra bonus added to your package...ask us for details! *****QUICK DELIVERY*****