Monday, November 22, 2010

Melissa '11 "BCHS Senior"

Wow, it's amazing how much Melissa looks like her Mom especially in the real pretty close-up one! I just loved,loved, loved the close-up one of her!!! They have the exact same eyes and everything, just different hairstyles & color. Her Mom said she brought in lots of purple and black in her outfits, so evidently that must be her favorite color. And how fun is the little zebra number with the boots???? I missed out on helping Bill with part of her session when another customer came in the studio. Melissa brought in several really neat things for her senior session though! In fact I had a hard time reeling Bill away from the Harley that her Step-Dad was riding!! And she also brought her Mustang to be in some of the poses, and it was a really sharp looking car too (plus her outfit matched her car perfectly)!!! As you all may well know, Bill absolutely loves cars & motorcyles and talking all about that kind of stuff. So I had to sort'a remind him that we were in the middle of a senior session & we were photographing Melissa! LOL!!! For all of the outside poses with cars & such anymore we are really limited on daylight hours after school since the time change. Well I seriously should make an effort to shorten my blogs, since it seems that I have gotten back into my old ways of rambling on & on lately!! I hope that everyone is ready for Thanksgiving and enjoys the time off from school & work, and more importantly the time shared with their families. Enjoy the "SNEAK-PEEKS" of Melissa with many more great images from her session to be shared later! :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Okay, now does everybody see what I was talkin about in my previous post?!?! I'll try not to go on & on and ramble so long this time, but how bout that one with the HUMMER??? Is that one not bad to the bone?!?! LOL!!! Well we just ended up doing that one at the last minute, sort'a wasn't even something they had even thought of. I can't remember if it was Bill or myself that mentioned it right before we were leaving. At times, that is where some of the best images comes from!!! Well I think Bridgett was much braver than most people, wading out in the really cold creekwater and it was pretty chilly that day. She really didn't seem to mind it at all, we go to real extremes to get great senior images & what a trooper she was indeed! In the beginning I think I might have said something about making this "short and sweet", but here I go again rambling....but for all of you that know me - what else do you expect coming from ME?!?! Okay I really will wrap it up now but just one more thing before I do. I heard Bill mention just today to someone that he has another idea for a really fun & unique winter session, so when it snows give us a call & we'll see who is brave & up for it!!! Enjoy! :)

Bridgett 2011 "BCHS Senior"

OMGosh, this session with Bridgett was just GREAT!!! And first off I wanna apologize for not putting this up sooner. At the time when I was posting her sneak-peeks I was having some technical issues with my blogger page and couldn't get the images to load. SSSSSSooOOOOoo, in the mean time my poor little pea brain just forgot to try it again later. I really didn't mean to skip over you Bridgett, so please forgive me!! LOL!!! She is the most photogenic gal and an absolutely charming person to be around! Not to mention how much she loves being in front of the camera ha,ha,tee-hee,hee!!! We absolutely love it when somebody like her comes along, she was super easy to work with and had soOOOooo many dramatic looks and poses. She was the very first person photographed on our new "TWILIGHT-ish" looking background. Even though I love this black & white one on that background, some of the color ones were good too. But we got a "KILLER" close-up pose of her from that series done in sepia tone....just wait I think she ordered wallets from that one, you'll see what I'm talkin' bout!!! We had a ball and I think she did too! We even had one where she was twirling around in the long black skirt and that was reeeEEEally lots of fun, and in her own words "was soOOoooo Bridgett"!!! And how about the one in the hood??? Isn't that one awesome?!?! I think that was an outfit that her Momma suggested she wear, and a great choice I might add! Almost every single pose in that outfit turned out fabulous, especially with her wearing the red lipstick it added just a touch of drama. If you think these are good wait till you see Part 2 of her "ON LOCATION" session at Carter Caves. And the bad part of it all is I have to limit myself to only 3 poses for the sneak-peeks, that was really hard to do with this session of Bridgett. But luckily they went with another "ON-LOCATION" session as well, so I get to post 3 more from that. Well I hope that everyone enjoys these, and soon she will have her actual wallets to pass out! :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Jessica 2011 "BC SENIOR"

Jessica was such a cutie pie and so much fun to work with!!! We really enjoyed the session, or maybe I should say sessions...since we had to do it in 2 parts. Midway thru her session Bill began to feel bad and we had to ask her to come back and finish up another time. He actually ended up going to the hospital immediately after they left and spent the next 4 or 5 days there. I just knew something wasn't quite right with Bill, I guess when you are married to someone for almost 33yrs. you can tell. We really appreciated Jessica & her parents being so very understanding that day. Seems like I wasn't even supposed to say anything about this....but I never have been very good about keeping my mouth closed though. If my memory serves me right, I remember having to write a lot of sentences in school that went something like this "I WILL NOT TALK IN CLASS" like hundreds and hundreds of times!!! Imagine that....huh?!?! LOL!!! I wonder if the teachers still do that in school?? Maybe I'm telling my age now, but most people already know that I'm "older than dirt" as Clay Jones used to say!!! LOL!!! I just loved the close-up pose of Jessica in the burgandy top, she has an amazing smile!! Also I thought the one with the truck turned out really good too, the fall colors were still really pretty at the time. Her Mom & Dad both came for the sessions and we even did a few with her parents. Also she brought in her Homecoming dress and those turned out so beautiful. We photographed Jessica's older sister Cory a few years ago so it was good to visit with her family again. Well I hope that everyone enjoys Jessica's "sneak-peeks", I know that she is anxious to see them!!! The DVD is now ready so Jess the waiting is almost over! LOL!!! :-)