Friday, March 2, 2012

Stem Cell and Organ Donations

I just finished reading a story about a twin (not me) that needed a stem cell transplant and found out that his twin brother couldn't help him because they were idential twins. This article said that at least 30% of people that needs a stem cell transplants die because they cann't find a match. This is totally uncalled for. Stem cells are not collected from aborted babies, yes this could still be a source but its not necessary. A $4.00 kit is now available that only requires a few drops of blood to be collected, this will provide the needed information for matching. If and when you may need to donate to a save a life it is very easy. Normally the donation process is about like donating a unit of blood, but it could require extracting the fluid from the pelvis. Depending on the doctor this may require being put under like having a tooth pulled. The recovery time is normally less than one hour and pain free just as quick. I have to have this done yearly and it isn't a big deal. The University of Arkansas just numbs the spot and makes the stick. This is no more painful that having a IV put in your hand. I keep thinking that it is going to be bad but it isn't and for those that can donate I think that knowing that you may have saved a life with almost zero risk to yours should make you feel good. Yes I know that some people have issues but if you do then you should never receive a blood donation, to me there are no differences. One never knows when you may be on the receiving end. I don't have all the answers and yes I don't believe that any fetus should be harmed, but there is no need to now. AT UAMS I have met many people that are alive and living to see their children grow up only from having a stem cell transplant. So PLEASE consider being tested and knowing that someday you saved a child or allowed a parent to watch their children growup.
Bill Whitlock

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