Oops......I totally missed posting Mickie's images from his senior session a couple of weeks ago!! I am so scatter brained these days with Christmas stuff and having to cope with the idea of my Daughter & her family getting ready to move to Australia. Knowing that we won't get to see them for almost a year is really hard, but hopefully the time will go by quickly. Thank goodness for webcams & "SKYPE"!!! Okay, well I said in an earlier blog that I was gonna try my best to make shorter blogs & make a sincere effort to limit my ramblings. So I'm not off to a very good start,am I?!? LOL!!!! Now back to Mickie's images, he was just a SUPER nice guy and had such a pleasant personality & so easy to be around. Also he was extremely helpful during his session, everytime we changed backgrounds or were moving props in & out.....we just might have to keep him around!!! LOL!!! The ones of him with his hunting stuff turned out GREAT, it's just kinda' weird thinking how that really was a couple of deer head skeletons. Also I thought the ones of him in the black shirt turned out really good, especially loved the one with the smile! He better get ready because I have a feeling that all of the girls will be in line to get one of his wallets with "NO SHIRT" on! Well if I don't stop before long this blog will end up being like my typical posts that go on forever. So once again, I sincerely apologize for not posting this sooner but my poor little pea brain kinda' got lost in baby "Isaak" mode for the last couple of weeks!! LOL!! I hope that everyone enjoys this little sneak peek of Mickie. :)