Here is such a super nice senior guy from Fairview who came in for his session a week or so ago. Matt definitely works well in front of a camera, I think he could seriously be a model for Abercrombie!!! I especially loved the ones when he put the hat or toboggan on (not sure if that's what they call it or not). There are several others in this series that turned out GREAT! His Dad brought in a framed 16x20 of his older sister and wanted us to do something to match up with hers. I think the close-up pose will be perfect and look awesome in a black & white. I am sorry that I have been kind'a slow in getting these posted but we have been in the middle of a really big painting & redecorating project at the studio and also at home as well. So I really appreciate everyone being patient with us right now and hopefully in just a few days things will be back to normal. I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to do this right in the middle of our busy season, you might say my timing was off a little bit!!! LOL!! Our Son & girlfriend, Daughter & family will all be coming home in just a few days for Thanksgiving & I can't wait to see them all. Well I have so much to do and it's getting kind'a late so I'm gonna make this one short & sweet.....ENJOY the little sneak peak at Matt's session everyone!!! :)

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